Age: 4 cycles
A poor, angry kid from the slums of Dionysus. Actually, the main character it turns out. She's at the start of a very long journey, to find someone very important.

IDDIS is ancient. He's so old, he doesn't know much about current civilization. That's just because a long time ago, he- No! Stop. You just could not be more wrong. Shut up about me. And what's with the old thing? Age is relative.

Midren Grenly Dolliver
Age: 1.83 J.S.
Midren is from Ganymede, one of the four inhabited moons of Jupiter. He likes to think of himself as a dashing rogue, but really he's just a nerd who's obsessed with rocks and ruins. Owns a pretty nice ship though.
Age: 14 J.S.
Thunne is from Io, a Jovian moon. He's looked after Midren since childhood, because he has a soft spot in his rocky heart for cute things. His language is hard for most to understand, since it's not just sign language, it's the sounds of rocks grinding together. Try duplicating that with your meat hands.

Age: .5 J.S.
Chiik is Callistonian, and allegedly is in charge of taking care of the ship. Allegedly.
Anyway, Chiik is a boundless source of energy, and annoyance, and flirting with everything that moves. And fungus.

Age: 5 cycles
Kezzi's brother, former revolutionary leader, and current prisoner, headed to parts unknown. If parts unknown means Titan. But what that means exactly is unknown. But since Ithso is involved, it's probably something nice.

Imeria Alari Raqstithari
Age: 6 cycles
Imeria believed wholeheartedly in Zoff's revolution, and did her best to help. And she kinda... a little... messed everything up royal. Now she gets to spend some quality family time.
Ithso Odarian Laeintas Raqstithari
Age: 6 cycles
Imeria's younger brother and all around awful person. So far, he's proven he can deal with his problems maturely and appropriately, and that he doesn't like it when his toys are taken away.

Age: 4 cycles
Ithso's wife. A paragon of sanity. She has a thing for knives, and messing with people beneath her. She is far more clever than Ithso expected when he married her.
Age: 5 cycles
Though at first he might seem like just a jerk, he's actually a pretty troubled and conflicted jerk. Guess he'll have to live with the results of his decisions and make the best of it from now on.

Jyft (left) & Kritch (right)
Age: 4 cycles, 11 cycles
Nephew and uncle, and some of Zoff's closest friends and confidants. Jyft is Zoff's best friend, and Kritch raised basically everyone at some point.

Age: 3 cycles
So there's this creepy little girl Kezzi helped out sometimes. Yeah, that's basically it.